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《妈祖》是一部反映妈祖生平事迹的神话励志剧,以广泛流传的30多个妈祖民间传说为素材,力求还原一个可敬、可亲、可爱的圣贤妈祖形象,展示博大精深的妈祖文化,传扬以妈祖文化为代表的东方海洋文化。  与以往一些神话剧娱乐大于社会教育不同,《妈祖》将从生动曲折的妈祖生平事迹中,反映妈祖文化的悠久历史和立德、行善、大爱的丰富内涵。另外,与以往神话剧“天生法力”不同,《妈祖》中的林默是肉体凡胎,其成仙历程是由下而上的奋斗路。观音送子、怀胎年余、观井得符等30多个民间传说将穿插剧中,见证妈祖感动上苍、得道成仙的历程。
A portrait of a man who analyses his life on his 44th birthday. The past and the present, the actual and potential developments blend in a dreamy vision. "The protagonist seems to assume that travelling in time is possible, and things happen in an imaginary, invented time which he fittingly adjusts and changes", said Konwicki in the Film Press News 1/1972. The film is a formally complex analysis of what is commonly referred to as the Polish fate. Awards: 1972 - The Warsaw Mermaid of the Film Critics' Club at the Polish Journalists' Association in the feature film category; Special Jury Award at the Lubuskie Film Summer in Lagow; 1973 - Special Award for Screenplay at the San Remo Film Festival.


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