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Kōji Shiraishi, who became famous for extraordinary horror films like "Noroi", shot this modern pinku eiga as a revenant of sorts of the classic Japanese soft sex flick, which saw its heyday in the 1970s and ’80s.  Underground idol Misa is headhunted by a BDSM club for her supposed—or rather, anticipated—talents as a dominatrix. Seeing the prospect as a challenge at first, the young woman soon uses the S&M sessions to expand her erotic and sexual self-perception by several dimensions at once.  "Safe Word" is part of Roman Porno Now, a project by legendary Japanese studio Nikkatsu celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of its “Nikkatsu Roman Porno” brand.  源自:
在金黄色的西部荒原,奔跑着一只速度超快的BB鸟。它飞奔起来有如离弦之间,只觉一道闪光,便一闪而过,根本看不清它的身影。与此同时,在岩石顶上,一只骨瘦如柴、狡猾凶恶的歪心狼放下手中的望远镜,他满嘴口水,双眼通红,这个饥饿的野兽似乎已经将BB鸟锁定为自己的猎物,非要吃掉它不可。可是,BB鸟虽然只是一只瘦小的鸟儿,其智慧却绝对在歪心狼之上。  接下来的时间,歪心狼绞尽脑汁,想出各种各样狠毒的办法捕捉猎物,可是不是他的设计有问题,便是其计谋被BB鸟识破,无一例外都遭遇惨败。这个可怜的家伙,何时才能吃到美味的食物啊……


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