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Spiff and Hercules is the English translation of a French comic strip titled Pif et Hercule, featuring an anthropomorphic brown-yellow dog ("Pif") and a black-white cat ("Hercule") who, despite being best friends, are constantly fighting in a friendship/hate relationship. The character of Pif was created by José Cabrero Arnal for the French Communist Party newspaper L'Humanité on March 28, 1948, and the cat Hercules was introduced two years later.  The adventures of Pif also appeared in the British communist newspaper the Daily Worker (later The Morning Star) until the mid-1970s.  Spiff later got his own magazine ("Pif Gadget"), which was very popular as not only did it include several different comic strips, but offered a toy gadget in each issue.  Hercules also got his own version of Spiff's magazine, this one called "Super Hercule", but his magazine was more joke-oriented.  A series of 65 26-minute animated cartoons featuring the characters was produced in 1989 by Europe Images/M5 in France. Each program consisted of two episodes. United Kingdom television station Channel 4 aired the series in 1993.
已故漫画家#三浦建太郎#笔下作品《#剑风传奇#》曾于2012年~2013年被改编为剧场版《剑风传奇 黄金时代篇》3部曲,而Aniplex官方在昨天宣布将推出重新编辑的TV动画版《剑风传奇 黄金时代篇 MEMORIAL EDITION》,预计2022年于日本电视台播出。  《剑风传奇》原作自1989年开始连载,目前全世界单行本销量突破5000万册,为日本黑暗奇幻作品代表。而粉丝间人气最高的「黄金时代篇」,于2012年~2013年间推出剧场版三部作,于全世界16个国家地区上映。  PV链接:


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