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TV-Series 1968-1970  "Wacky Races" was created in response to the rather violent adventure/superhero cartoons of the previous two seasons, and even upon its premiere, it was blackballed by the watchdog group Action For Children's Television. They claimed that since it was bankrolled by game show producers Merrill Heatter and Bob Quigley ("Hollywood Squares"), it was enticing children to place monetary wagers on the outcome of each of the show's 34 races. (Hogwash. I had the over/under on how many times Dick Dastardly's contraptions backfired on him.)  For all the atypical Hanna-Barbera use of repeat animation and low-budget movement, "Wacky Races" was still an unusual and entertaining cartoon which would beget such shows as "Bailey's Comets," "Laff-A-Lympics" and "Yogi's Space Race." A lot of the humor derived from Dastardly's machinations, although many of the other racers got to shine as well. In the Gold Key comics, Penelope Pitstop would eliminate Peter Perfect and Red Max by conveniently getting them to fight over her. That wasn't used in the show, although it should have. And it's dotted with great lines. When the narrator calls Dastardly "The Dracula of the drag strip," Dastardly counters "I resent that remark!" Narrator: "But do you deny it?" Dastardly: "No, I just resent it!" It's a comedy cartoon that doesn't forget it's a comedy cartoon, something that many cartoon shows of the 70s and 80s forgot.  And a bit of trivia, Dastardly did cross the finish line twice but was disqualified both times. The first time he extended the nose of the Mean Machine ahead of the others (yet in another episode, Rufus Ruffcut physically extended his neck to reach the finish line and the judges gave him the win--go figure). The second time, a chain reaction collision caused Dastardly and Muttley to get bounced into the Arkansas Chuggabug, which was in the lead. Dastardly also set a precedent the following year--being the first (and to anyone's knowledge, only) villain to get his own show, "Dastardly & Muttley In Their Flying Machines.
大内库藏武功秘笈《葵花宝典》失窃。东厂主管太监古今福(刘洵 饰)率千户欧阳全(张学友 饰)等,南下调查辞官锦衣卫林镇南,同时收用“五岳盟主”左冷禅(元华 饰)外围策应。华山派大弟子令狐冲(许冠杰 饰)与师妹岳灵珊(叶童 饰)奉师命增援林镇南,无奈两人实力不济,领得林镇南遗嘱后遁走,二人于路先后巧遇顺风堂堂主刘正风(午马 饰)、日月神教长老曲洋(林正英 饰)、华山派风清扬,获传《笑傲江湖》曲谱和独孤九剑。  各路人马为《葵花宝典》纷纷聚于苗人地界,欧阳全与左冷禅争功不下,遂假扮林平之混入华山派一行。令狐冲结识日月神教任盈盈(张敏 饰)与蓝凤凰(袁洁莹 饰),因曲洋之关系得其协助。古今福与岳不群为《葵花宝典》大打出手,令狐冲不忍一班师兄弟受牵连愤而使出独孤九剑,始明了“笑傲江湖”真意。  本片根据金庸同名小说改编。
故事梗概:  夜雾凄迷,林徇怪事。在位于中原名胜的天连月夜,因美若人间仙境而让不少侠士慕名前来。但就在这个美丽的地方,最近却发生一连串的怪事。每当月明之夜,总有神秘的琴声从天连月夜飘忽而来,却从来没有人见过弹琴的人是谁。为此,江湖人物更是趋之若鹜,可奇怪的是,到这里来的人没有一个活着出来的。这一天,风林堡潇洒超凡的年轻侠士凤熙无出现在天连月夜。  凤熙无因出手搭救一个美貌的女子而进入天连月夜。在玉宇琼楼、仙气缭绕的天连月夜,凤熙无才知道,被她搭救的女子名叫水灵,而她的母亲就是天连月夜的主人水天骄。得知凤熙无是剑震神州凤滕蛟的儿子,水天骄顿起杀心。就在水天骄用酒致凤熙无人事不省,准备吸干他的血液时,水灵用有限的法术阻拦了母亲。水天骄把自己的阴魂依附在女儿的身上,令水灵对凤熙无严加看管,待到申时再来取他性命。  母亲走后,水灵救醒凤熙无,自己却奄奄一息。凤熙无抱着水灵逃出天连月夜,求苦大师救治,却不料引来水天骄的追杀。苦大师深感自己的法术不敌水天骄,遂领着凤熙无、水灵来到华山圣境,求助于心静大师。水天骄一路尾随,杀上华山,并在一场法术对决中揭开一段发生在十八年前的秘密。  十八年前,一批东嬴武士仰慕中原武功而来,在天连月夜学习中原武功。因日久生情,东嬴公主水天骄与当时的中原俊杰蓝田玉结为夫妇。此时,在所谓的正义之士的盅惑下,怀疑东嬴武士有盗取中原武学的野心,遂在武当掌门人云飞扬、丐帮帮主洪七公、南海派神剑门玉哪吒之父玉龙飞的发起下,决定将东嬴武士全部铲除。当时,身为华山派掌门人的蓝田玉无力挽回既成的定局,只好不顾夫妻情分,参与其中。  水天骄临死前产下一个女婴,取名水灵,蓝田玉回到华山,做了心静大师。如今,水天骄的阴魂追上华山,蓝田玉也不是对手。为了结十八年前的恩怨,蓝田玉救助于紫衣上人。在紫衣上人的帮助下,有仙缘的凤熙无、水灵请来剑仙、青霞公主和天河七星。一场法术与阴魂的较量中,蓝田玉用与水天骄同归于尽,了结了十八年来的恩怨情仇,天连月夜从此又恢复了往日的神秘和美丽。  精彩视点:  本片根据黄鹰的成名武侠小说《天蚕变》改编而成。邵氏旗下的楚原导演召集当时香港大眼睛影视新秀莫少聪、传奇明星翁静晶、以一贯精致柔美的古装扮相赢得大批年轻影迷的魏秋桦主演本片。除了具备鬼片所有的元素外,本片中的武打场面,和悬疑推理的剧情,也为影片获得成功增添了筹码。  影片的原著作家黄鹰是七十年代末期的武侠小说名家。1979年,黄鹰的《天蚕变》被改编成电视剧,黄鹰之名因而鹊起。其后,他的《沉胜衣》、《天龙诀》陆续被改编为电视剧,而邵氏公司则将他的《沉胜衣》、《天蚕变》、《妖魂》、《无翼蝙蝠》、《天蚕再变》、《水晶人》、《血鹦鹉》搬上大银幕。黄鹰的作品多走古龙路线,擅长以推理悬疑的情节取胜于观众。  4月4日 15:07 电影频道播出 燕子


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