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Haru, a bookstore clerk, talks to Yukiko pretending to ask for directions. Haru has detected deep sorrow on Yukikoʼs face. Meanwhile, Haru has been spending days following Tsuyoshi discretely and checking his expressions. In the past, when Haru had lost her mother as a junior high school student, she met and talked separately to Yukiko and Tsuyoshi by chance who seemed to suffer from heartache. The action was brought by the remorse that Haru couldnʼt help her mother while knowing her sadness. Haru has kept watching Yukiko and Tsuyoshi now and then. Occasions that Tsuyoshi, who has been aware of Haruʼs behavior, appears at her workplace and Haru once again talks to Yukiko unfold new dimensions in each relationship. Haru confronts with her own feeling toward her mother and grief during the days passing with the two.
工业文明的高度发展,却最终带来灾难,一场为期7天的虫族毁灭战争摧毁了人类文明。一千年后,工业文明遗留下来的症结仍在困扰这个星球。带有强烈毒性的植物组成了令人望而却步的“腐海”森林,随着时间的推移,腐海有条不紊地向四周蔓延,蚕食周边世界。在一片腐海森林的旁边,居住着一群御风而行的人类。女主角娜乌茜卡和族人依靠海风的力量抵御着有毒孢子的侵蚀,过着平静祥和的生活。  直到某一天,战火烧到了这里。西方强国特洛梅意欲重新建立人类霸权,他们计划统一周边诸国,然后向虫族发起总攻。另一方面,一千年前曾主导摧毁人类的上古怪兽“猛怪”重现人间。毁灭战争一触即发,人类的命运将会如何……  本片根据宫崎骏同名漫画改编,并分获1985年罗马奇幻电影节和1985年电影旬报最佳影片奖、1985年每日电影大藤信郎奖。


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