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First of all, I have to say that I had huge expectations about the movie. I went to theater to see some mind-blowing action. I was hoping that Åke Lindman had made something spectacular as his last movie. I also believed in his directing talents. Now I sadly have to say that the movie didn't fulfill my expectations.  The movie was a bit bouncing: Going there, doing that, coming back and going again. Different people fought in different places and sometimes it was hard to follow what was happening as a whole. Well this wasn't too disturbing as the movie still was entertaining. Especially all tank-scenes were amazing. The lack of money, which was clearly visible, was maybe the most disruptive thing in the movie. As mentioned in the movie, there were about 250 cannons and mortars, plus bomber planes, targeting the Tali-Ihantala area. But when the "big fight" came, it looked like about 10 guns were bombing the woods with smoke grenades (And I can say this because I have served in mortar company in the Finnish army). I'm sure it looked like that because there were not enough money to make it look realistic. I was also hoping more soldiers running in the woods because hey, it was supposed to be the biggest fight in the northern Europe!
该剧改编自马伯庸小说《洛阳》,讲述了武周时期一群出身不同阶层的人为调查洛阳悬案而发生的一系列故事。   迹于洛阳底层的不良副帅高秉烛(黄轩 饰)阴差阳错卷入案件,成为嫌疑人,在想方设法自证清白时,与为查清父亲被毒杀真相的百里弘毅(王一博 饰)相遇,二人合作并展开调查。世家出身的内卫思月(宋茜 饰)为任务调查并接近武艺超群、颇有市井智慧的高秉烛,想要寻取与案件有关的告
盆儿胡同的马家四兄弟本来和别家小孩一样,幸福快乐得过着每天的生活。父母车祸身亡则终结了这平凡的日子。父亲临终前留下的遗言是:学好。四兄弟靠着救济金度日。而那句“学好”则成了老大马学武(张嘉译 饰)一直谨记的话。为了家庭和几个弟弟,他不得不放弃读书,去了工厂工作。几个兄弟里,最令人头疼的就是老二马学军(邓超 饰)。他似乎有使不完的坏点子,总爱意气用事,惹出了不少事端。家庭的困难让老大不得不把生病的老四送给他家。四兄弟在贫寒中日渐成长,各自不同的性格让他们走上了截然不同的路。他们经历不同的人生,体验时代的变迁,相同的是路上的挫折和困难,以及你是我兄弟这永不变的事实。  本剧与《半路夫妻》、《亲兄热弟》合称为“亲情三部曲”。


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