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世界中の美闘士たちが集う、四年に一度の命懸けの闘技会クイーンズブレイド。 この大陸では初代女王が始めた伝統に従い、最も強い女性がすべてを支配する。天使の立会いの下におこなわれる公式試合での勝者となった者は、敗者にどんな命令でも下すことができるのだ。自慢の武器を奪うもよし、奴隷として仕えさせるもよし、そして現女王を倒しその座を奪う事すら許される!辺境貴族の娘エリナは、すべてを捨てて美闘士となり出奔した愛する姉レイナを追って、自らも旅立つのであった。
Chilly Willy is freezing in his igloo home (he lives in Coldernell, Alaska) and burning everything he owns in the fireplace to keep warm. He notices an ad for the local fur factory and realizes that warmth is only a visit away. Unfortunately, it is guarded by a rather unexcitable watchdog who foils Chilly's attempts to steal the furs. Finally, he locks every fur in the storage bin but this doesn't stop Chilly who starts eyeing the watchdog's fur and makes various attempts to remove it from him.
When it seemed that things were finally getting back on track, fate shows us that there are still many more layers to be revealed in Luiza and Valentina's relationship.


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