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1979. Donald Lavoie is a fearsome hitman who works under the orders of Claude Dubois, the boss of the Montreal South-West mob. The assassin takes under his wing the young rookie Serge Rivard, a hotheaded small-time crook who soon compromises him in a dirty double murder. Thanks to the lawyers dearly paid by the Dubois clan, Donald escapes justice but that's only a temporary setback for Detective Sergeant Roger Burns, who tries to tries to convince Lavoie to become an informer. To test his killer's devotion, Dubois asks him to eliminate someone close to him. When he disobeys the order, Donald joins forces with other criminals to plan a bank robbery to finance his exile to the South. Hunted by the Dubois clan on one side and Burns' investigators on the other, Donald finds himself caught in a tightening vise.
意外穿越游戏世界成为宰相千金的现代女孩林洛景遇到了各色美男,被系统告知只有找到真爱才能回现实世界,可谁是她的真爱呢? 清尘脱俗的剑仙花应迟让她崇拜向往,风流俊美的江轩宇对她赤子情深,默默守护的柳修文令她心生依赖,只有那个讨厌的野蛮人渊正王钟无寐让她看不顺眼,可她却偏偏被指婚给了野蛮人,成为了渊政王妃? 逃婚不成的林洛景只得与钟无寐过起了斗智斗勇、相爱相杀的新婚生活,却在大婚之夜当晚,被钟无寐从王妃被贬为丫鬟搞什么鬼? 此时一些列阴谋也渐渐浮出水面,神秘黑衣人、心机深沉的宰相父亲、陌生的香包、身世不明的贴身侍卫、莫名遭遇的危险…林洛景的穿越生活似乎陷入了水深火热之中,不是寻找真吗?怎么还要命啊!


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