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1914年第一次世界大战前夕,一名气象学家被派往南极孤岛上做气候观测。然而他很快发现,岛上除了他和一个疯疯癫癫的灯塔员,还有其它生物的存在... 影片改编自同名小说。
1931年4月24日,汉口新市场游艺厅。舞台上,魔术大师化广奇正在表演他拿手的大变活人戏法,台下的掌声让他颇为得意,然而,他并没有注意到,就在一个灯光昏暗的角落里,还有一双眼睛...... 1931年4月25日夜,南京, 这一天恰恰是周末。此刻的徐恩增正在上海度周末,除了几个机要人员之外,留在中央调查科大本营内的只剩下徐恩曾的机要秘书钱壮飞。时间刚过10点钟,一个机要员推门进来,把一封注有“绝密”字样的卷宗递到了他的手中。 钱壮飞像往常一样轻轻翻开卷宗,此时此刻,他尚且不知道,在未来的几个小时之内,整个中国历史的命运将完全掌握在他手中。这些电报中究竟隐藏着什么重大的秘密呢......
Synopsis: One of Gustav Machaty's (Ecstasy) major achievements, From Saturday to Sunday is marked by a gentle romanticism. Two secretaries go out on a double date, but the inexperienced Mary flees when offered money for sexual favors. She takes refuge in a cafe and encounters a plebeian Prince Charming. The film recounts the simple progress of their romance after they go home together. If the tale is not unusual, the telling is superb. The characters are sharply observed, with a strong sense of social context. Machaty's first talkie is a masterpiece of sophisticated early sound cinema. And the film's credits-Czech jazz founder Jezek, Surrealist poet Nezval, experimental filmmaker Hammid-provide ample proof that in pre-war Czechoslovakia, the avant-garde made significant contributions to mainstream production. (Elliott Stein)


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