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One a bright spring day before a school trip, Semi, falls asleep on one side of the classroom, and suddenly awakens in tears over an ominous dream. She runs to Ha-eun, who is in the hospital after injuring her leg in a bicycle accident. Semi and Ha-eun are best friends. The film depicts a special day between the two. A spring day, puppy love, jealousy, friendship, small misunderstandings, shameful confessions, anxiety and wacky wit, red nose tips and ears, or the heels and dead skin cells in dreams, the verdant hill behind the village and the yellowish sunset—every small thing that makes up the world gathers up here and creates an unexplained and brilliant atmosphere, completing a kind of dreaming vision. The Dream Songs is full of vitality even in its sad moments.
中世纪的欧洲,某座庄严巍峨的城镇内,夜幕降临,英勇剑客杰瑞带着他那笨手笨脚的小徒弟尼波斯走在空无一人的街道上。突然,杰瑞停下脚步,仔细监听城堡上方某个房间内的谈话。原来城内当晚即将举行盛大的宴会,严厉的长官命令侍卫官汤姆用生命保护桌上的美食,一旦失败他将面临砍头的惩罚。汤姆严阵以待,丝毫不敢懈怠。可是杰瑞早已盯上这桌美食,加上天不怕地不怕的尼波斯制造各种各样的事端,这注定是一个不宁静的夜晚。  灯火辉煌的晚宴客厅内,英勇的剑客赌上各自的荣誉和生命展开决战……


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