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阳光明媚、和风煦煦的海滩上,几只怪模怪样的猫正在用杠铃、哑铃锻炼身体。与此同时,身着夸张红色泳衣的汤姆抱着一大堆行李和食物陪着妖艳矜持的女友来到海滩,他完全没有注意到正躺在沙滩上晒太阳的杰瑞,一下子将遮阳伞插到杰瑞身上,将其压进沙滩里。杰瑞虽然气愤,不过全然不像跟这个见到女人就智商下降的傻瓜计较。他从沙子里爬出来,另找一个地方晒太阳,可是汤姆总将吃剩下的垃圾扔到杰瑞身上,令小老鼠忍无可忍。刚刚赶跑捣乱的杰瑞,汤姆意外发现女友竟然被体魄强健、正在健身的黑猫吸引走了。  他按捺不住心底的嫉妒,开始朝着黑猫反攻,各种笑话也频频发生……
Rakka was born with the ability to communicate with the spirits of the dead. This ability tortures him, as they often appear to help settle their grudges or solve their problems. Rakka often helps police uncover murder suspects and where victims are buried. Rakka's ability makes him ostracized at school. Rakka decides to move to Bogor to live with his uncle, Ajat, who also has the same ability. Rakka meets a beautiful ghost who can't remember her name. Rakka begins to bond with this ghost named Dini because she is the only person who can understand Rakka. Dini forgets her past and has no purpose. Feeling pity for this situation, Rakka intends to help Dini remember her past. Meanwhile, at his new school, terror appears from a mysterious ghost figure who is seen wearing a bloody mask. Some of Rakka's friends disappeared. Rakka uses her abilities to find out the reason behind this ghost terror.
主人公日野美咲在儿子去世后,开始直面丈夫和自己的问题。当伟大的爱变成社会的制裁时,她需要重新思考人生。在面对丈夫的过程中,美咲解决问题的手段是"社会性抹杀",也就是她的复仇。 在她全力复仇的同时,她学会面对了自己和她一直逃避面对的丈夫。


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