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本(尼古拉斯•凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰 )一个是贫困潦倒的编剧,终日借酒消愁,被公司开除后,郁郁不得志的他变卖了所有的家当,前去拉斯维加斯开始了他慢性自杀的计划。他打算在几周的时间内,喝酒至死。在光怪陆离的拉斯维加斯,醉醺醺的他遇见了妓女莎拉(伊丽莎白•苏 Elisabeth Shue 饰)。莎拉过着同样不幸的生活:被皮条客控制自由,屡次出逃不遂。本和莎拉共度了一夜,这夜他们互相倾诉,同是天涯沦落人。  二人很快同居,但莎拉并不阻止本继续狂饮。本在自己的世界里沉溺得越来越深,直到有一天和另一个女人躺在莎拉床上,莎拉怒不可遏,将本赶出家门。本在酒精的折磨下奄奄一息,他打电话给莎拉,能否让生命和感情重生。
When Rex Fortescue dies while sitting at his desk in the City, it's determined that he was in fact poisoned. He was married to a much younger wife, who now stands to inherit. His son Percival, a partner in the family firm, was a disappointment to him and a daughter, Elaine, hasn't amounted to much. Another son, Lance, had a falling out with his father many years before and relocated to East Africa. He suddenly appears soon after his father's death claiming that they had reconciled and been invited by him to return to England with an offer to rejoin the firm. Miss Marple takes a particular interest in the case when her former maid Gladys, now working in the Fortescue household, is also murdered. She soon learns that the elder Fortescue had received veiled threats for some time and that they might have something to do with a long ago business deal that made his initial fortune.

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