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长达半个世纪的爱情故事。  19世纪末期哥伦比亚的喀他赫纳,电报员Florentino Ariza(Javier Bardem 饰)爱上了富商的女儿Fermina Daza(Giovanna Mezzogiorno 饰),他用热情洋溢的情书打动了Fermina Daza的心,二人迅速相恋。然而,由于身份地位的悬殊,Fermina Daza不得不屈从于父亲,离开了喀他赫纳,在年轻的Fermina Daza看来,二人的爱情只是少不更事的幻觉而已。  几年后,Fermina Daza在父亲的安排下,嫁给了有好感的医生Dr. Juvenal Urbino(Benjamin Bratt 饰)。正值霍乱时期,一个医生丈夫不仅能带来优渥的生活,更是生命有力的保障。Fermina Daza渐渐忘记了当年的事情。可是Florentino Ariza却没有忘记,当年一无所有的青涩少年,继承了伯父的遗产,成为富有的船商,他经历着不同的女人,但是内心却对Fermina Daza念念不忘,他能做的事情,就是等待,等待重逢的那一天,纵然五十多年过去,对她的心意还一如往昔。
Mona (Maëlle Poésy) has recently arrived in New York from France in order to mount her newest play — an autobiographical piece that depicts her tumultuous, on-again, off-again affair with a married photographer, Nick (Linas Phillips). Mona casts Chris (Keith Poulson) as Nick and Thérèse (Esther Garrel) to play the fictional version of herself. As rehearsals begin, a love quadrangle emerges: Mona falls for Chris, Chris becomes infatuated with Mona, and Thérèse develops deep feelings for Chris. This tangled roundelay unfolds in five chapters, covering the same events from each of the four character’s perspectives and culminating in a fraught production of the play itself.


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