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画面开始,一双丰满的手灵巧地揉面、按记儿、擀皮儿、包包子。没过一会儿,一笼白白净净又馋人的包子就做得了。相貌平平的女主人推开厨房的窗户,短暂的歇息。稍后,包子蒸熟,女主人端着它来到餐桌前。此时,她的老公已经起床,正目不转睛地盯着电视的新闻。而他看了表后狼吞虎咽,便匆匆上班去了。失落的女主人拿起最后一个包子,可刚一张嘴包子便大哭了起来。不知为何包子有了生命,而倍感孤独的女主人格外开心,于是将包宝宝当做自己的孩子抚养。小包子一天天长大,他起初和女主人分外亲近,但是他渐渐有了自己的个性,渴望独立,渴望远行……  本片是《超人总动员2》的贴片短片,荣获奥斯卡电影金像奖最佳动画短片奖。
Marple is called upon to solve her most perplexing case yet. Upon his death, financier John Rafiel asks her to solve a murder. Only problem is that the murder may or may not have place as yet and the victim is unknown. All that he has given her is two tickets on the Daffodil Tour Company's Mystery Tour. It soon becomes obvious that others on the tour were also "selected" by Mr. Rafiel. Jane Marple, assisted by her nephew Raymond West, concludes that the case must be related to that of Verity Hunt, a young woman who in 1939 was running away from an overattentive landlord and eventually disappeared. When a member of the tour dies mysteriously, she also realizes that someone is desperate to keep a deep, dark secret.


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