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武林中的灵天宫亦正亦邪,势力庞大却避世已久。少宫主灵玹(胡亦瑶 饰)十年前外出游历遇上一对将死的兄妹,她以救活妹妹为代价,与少年许下十年之约,带他入灵天宫的影阁受训,若十年后能活着出师,便来做她的助力。少年历经拼杀,九死一生,以影十(林泽辉 饰)之名活着走出影阁,然而此时灵天宫已危机四伏,老宫主为夺灵玹母亲的万心诀功法,不惜作乱武林,甚至与亲生女儿反目;灵玹不得不伪装成性格乖张、手段狠辣的浪荡废物以自保,并伺机筹谋反击。就在此时,影十奉影阁寻找万心诀的任务来到灵玹身边。两人从怀疑到试探,历经诸多危机,终于变成交付后背的知己。可就在两人彼此倾心之际,灵玹发现了影十不可告人的身世秘密……
We all know the main story of Abraham Lincoln's death, how he was killed, where it took place, and who pulled the trigger. But what exactly happened during the last day of his life? Relive April 14, 1865, as we track the hours of the day that shocked the world, following both assassin and victim on separate paths that would ultimately converge at the Presidential Box at Ford's Theatre. We'll also look at the objects, like Lincoln's hat and John Wilkes Booth's gun, that witnessed the crime that changed the course of American history forever.

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