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2009年4月播放預定。  远离街道的荒野,到处都是白骨,周围是峭立的悬崖。与千变刺客梅罗娜对峙的长发面具少女,少女向梅罗娜肩头挥剑。  身体被斩开的梅罗娜,血却一滴也没流,从容镇定的梅罗娜打落了少女的面具。  梅罗娜问「啊!你,是谁?」  少女报上名字。  「我的名字叫蕾娜…高贵的战士蕾娜!」  舍弃贵族身份,为试炼自身实力而出走的蕾娜。  蕾娜遇到各种各样的美斗士,并且与他们战斗,世界很大,体会到很多前所未见的事情,而且,有着生存方式不同的姐姐、雷云之将・库罗德托的固执。  她通过旅行,在伤痛下成长,决心参加“QUEEN'S BLADE”…  QUEEN'S BLADE是在神的名义下选拔最强最美的女皇格斗大会。  谁能登上无尚荣光的宝座呢,不进行场恶战就不见分晓。  【STAFF】  原作:HobbyJAPAN  監督:よしもときんじ  シリーズ構成:松智洋、よしもときんじ  脚本:松智洋・竹内利光 他  キャラクターデザイン:りんしん  デザイン補佐:野口孝行  総作画監督:りんしん、野口孝行、石橋有希子  美術監督:東潤一  色彩設計:よしもときんじ、松原貞姫  撮影監督:池上伸治  編集:田熊純  音響監督:明田川仁  音響制作:マジックカプセル  プロデュース:GENCO  制作:アームス  製作:クイーンズブレイドパートナーズ  他  【CAST】  レイナ:川澄綾子  トモエ:能登麻美子  ナナエル:平野綾  クローデット:田中敦子  メローナ:釘宮理恵  エリナ:水橋かおり  シズカ:生天目仁美  メナス:後藤邑子  アイリ:伊藤かな恵  他
The Toxic Avenger is tricked into traveling to Tokyo to search for his estranged father, leaving Tromaville open to complete domination by an evil corporation.
While visiting her friend Dermot in Little Ambrose, Miss Marple is drawn into investigating the death of Eddie Seward, whom she'd met on the bus and who is found having apparently drowned in the river.Within a few days however, there is a second suspicious death, that of Mary Pritchard who seems to have died from fright. She was disliked by many and had recently caused a scene when her husband George was inaugurated as the Captain of the local golf club. Even Dermot disliked her as did her sister Philippa, who was once engaged to George, whom she described as the love of her life. Phillipa ended up marrying George's brother, Lewis Pritchard, and they are constantly having money problems. A third death - this time one of George Pritchard's former mistresses - convinces Inspector Somerset that George, who conveniently confesses, is the murderer. Miss Marple thinks otherwise and sets out to prove it.


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