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托托王国王子虔信在九岁那天受封为太子,母后虽然充满慈爱和不舍,但仍将爱子交给国家。举国上下一片欢腾,人们心中对这位未来的主君寄予无限厚望。按照托托王国的法则,太子必须随同德高望重的老法师外出游历六年,增长学识。法师为他上了第一课,即该如何分辨善恶,而最后一课也是如此。在此之后,师徒二人一路前行,游遍祖国大好河山。白天他们隐姓埋名,以僧侣形象示人,夜晚太子则倾听法师关于善恶的教诲。某天,他们在途中遇见欺凌与不公,法师为愤怒的太子开了杀戒。刀刃拔出容易,然而分辨善恶却是人间最难的事情……  本片根据鹿桥的小说集《人子》改编,为“美好2013:大师微电影”系列中的一部。
又是平静的一天,汤姆和杰瑞之间爆发了新的大战,虽然汤姆占有体形优势,却终究斗不过杰瑞的机敏,因此饱受戏耍。在躲避汤姆追杀的过程中,杰瑞偶然躲进了一瓶隐形墨水之中,出来后竟发现自己的下半身完全消失了。短暂的惊诧过后,他很快发现隐形的原委,于是杰瑞将全身都涂上了隐形墨水。  另一方面,汤姆还逡巡在杰瑞的洞口前,布下种种陷阱等待小老鼠上钩,却不知道隐形的杰瑞已经悄悄来到他的身后。在此之后,倒霉的汤姆不得不与这个形同空气般的老对手展开连番对决。前所未有的战争旋即展开,而各种有趣的笑料也纷至沓来……
Miss Jane Marple is shocked when she receives a note from an old friend,Father Gorman only to read in the newspaper the very same day that he was murdered. He had attended a dying woman, Mrs. Davis, who died the previous evening and it was while he was on his way home that he was apparently attacked. The police have put it down to a mugging but the letter Miss Marple received from him intrigues her: a list of surnames and a quote from the bible. The policeman in charge of the case, Inspector Lejeune is skeptical about it all being a murder but when Miss Marple inspects Mrs. Davis' rooms, she finds an identical list to that sent to her by Father Gorman and also a reference to the Pale Horse Inn in Much Deeping, Hampshire. She soon checks into the inn and pursues her own investigation.


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