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Bilbo Baggins the Hobbit was just minding his own business, when his occasional visitor Gandalf the Wizard drops in one night. One by one, a whole group of dwarves drop in, and before he knows it, Bilbo has joined their quest to reclaim their kingdom, taken from them by an evil dragon named Smaug. The only problem is that Gandalf has told the dwarves that Bilbo is an expert burglar, but he isn't....
Samadhi Movie. Part 2 (It's not what you think) is the second installment of a series of films exploring Samadhi.
当年我们看到的版本是美版,也就是所谓的《战刀骑士》。其实《战刀骑士》的原型是日本的《星铳士ビスマルク》,于1984年在日本NTV电视台播放。美国于1987年引进了该作,英文名为《Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs》,对日版原作做了很大的改动。首先是人物,美国人将日版中的兰斯罗特改为了第一主人公和队长,英文名为战刀骑士(Saber Rider);而日版原作的主人公辉进儿英文名改成了火球(Fireball)成为了队员;日版中的比尔英文名改为考尔特(Colt);女主人公玛莉安英文名则变成了艾普莉尔(April),美版中她的情感是摇晃在战刀骑士与火球两个人中间的,而不像日版确立了她与辉进儿的关系。主机体俾斯麦英文名变成了兰姆罗德(Ramrod)。原来日版中的敌方外星人佩里奥斯,在美版中变成了地球人的叛徒,英文名字成了杰西·布鲁(Jesse Blue)。


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