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NUMB3RS is a drama about FBI agent Don Eppes (Rob Morrow), who recruits his mathematical-genius brother, Charlie (David Krumholtz) to help the Bureau solve a wide range of challenging crimes in Los Angeles. The two brothers take on the most confounding criminal cases from a very distinctive perspective.    Inspired by actual cases, the series depicts how the confluence of police work and mathematics provides unexpected revelations and answers to the most perplexing criminal questions.    A dedicated FBI agent, Don couldn't be more different from his younger brother, Charlie, a brilliant mathematician who, since he was little, has yearned to impress his big brother. As a seasoned investigator, Don deals in hard facts and evidence, whereas Charlie, a math professor at a California university, functions in a world of mathematical probability and equations.    Now, despite their disparate approaches to life, Don and Charlie are able to combine their areas of expertise and solve some killer cases.
清乾隆年间,江湖并称“南刀北剑”的胡一刀和苗人凤(万梓良 饰)相遇比武。这二人武功高超,侠义双全,虽为对手,但是惺惺相惜。其间胡夫人产下一子,赐名胡斐。胡一刀为防不测,特将妻儿托付给苗人凤。在最后一日的比试中,胡一刀为苗的旭日剑所伤,竟当场毒发身亡。胡家仆从平阿四见情形不好,怀揣秘籍和胡斐躲过田归农追杀,隐居深山。苗人凤则心怀愧悔,将旭日刀和半月剑埋进胡一刀夫妇的墓中,发誓封刀十年。岁月流转,胡斐已成长为一名英姿飒爽、武功高强的少年英雄(黄日华 饰),他偶然遇见被苗人凤追杀的苗归农和阿兰,遂勾起为父报仇的念头。他一路下山,却赶上了江湖动荡的大劫……  本片根据金庸的武侠小说《雪山飞狐》改编。
本田朱辉(长绳麻理亚 配音)是刚刚升上高中一年级的可爱女生,在开学典礼那一天,朱辉偶然遇见了专门制作同人游戏的社团“SNS部”的成员们,一直以来都没有找到自己真正想做的事情的朱辉终于确定了理想,那就是制作同人游戏。  然而,对于游戏制作,无论是哪一方面朱辉都可谓是一窍不通。每天都被阴云笼罩情绪低落的部长村上椎奈(村川梨衣 配音)、咋咋呼呼大大咧咧个性极为开朗的关菖蒲(小泽亚李 配音)、在音乐方面有着超越了常人的天赋的藤川歌夜(悠木碧 配音)、有些天然呆常常闹出笑话的布田裕美音(前川凉子 配音),在这些朋友们的帮助下,朱辉能够顺利走上游戏制作师的道路吗?


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